Friday, March 02, 2007

The girl with the red fingernails

I'm sobbing over the articles on late medieval pottery I collected in the library this afternoon. I like medieval pottery. It's beautiful. It's simple. It's stylish. It even looks very modern. It's great to work with. Food cooked in it tastes so much better. But I think I've seen enough archaeological pen drawings of pottery finds just for now.

'Tomorrow I see my boy again', whispers the girl with the red fingernails [me].
[It's been ages since I put on nail polish the last time!]
'Do you still love me when I wear bright red nail polish dear?'
'Oh, I didn't even really notice!' said the man while he continued with getting himself dirty by feeding the horses and cleening the stables.

{The pottery shown in made by Paulus Florizoone}

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