Monday, October 08, 2007

Thirty days of crafting 365

A while ago, Bugsandfishes started the Crafting 365 project on flickr. The challenge is to create something every day. A great idea, I thought.

Now, a bit more than a month later, I decided that one month of Crafting 365 is enough for me at the moment.

On the photo's you can see some of the results of my 30 days of Crafting 365.

I still love the idea, and I loved to be part of it, but at the moment I don't seem to be able to create something every day. Some days I make several things, other days I have to focus on other tasks, like cleaning + studying + taking classes + doing paper work + shopping + cooking + travelling to Utrecht ... And sometimes I just want to take some time for myself, to watch a movie while eating salted pistaccio's and drinking a glass of my favorit sweet red wine. I'm sure you all know precicely what I'm talking about!

I'm very sad my Saturday night friend Jack Frost (from A touch of Frost, BBC series) has left me. Last Saturday's episode was the last one. I read this year or next year 2 more episodes will be produced, but after that my hero will be gone forever. *Sobbs*
SO, I have finally publicly admitted that I'm totally addicted to British detective series. I'll have to find a new series soon, or you will find me put away in some madhouse soon enough! If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment :-)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Just found your blog. It's really beautiful!