--{ back then }------{ now }--

An overview of the past year.
I have always been afraid of not having my own style. Of not being recognizable in between the masses. Of not being able to stand out. I've been working hard on my photo's over the last months, working hard on streamlining my jewellery line and my other 'productions'. I have tried many things, from using the exact same background always for every photo, to adding borders and frames to my pics, to making all my images square shaped, to adding dark corners for a vintage look. I love to make everything fit perfectly together.
The same background doesn't work for me. I get bored with it after a while and then I am in the same position as before: 'What now?!'.
Borders and frames take away the focus on my pieces or the subjects of the photo, and they are kind of ordinary.
Until now, what works best for me is a combination of making my images square, adding darker corners, using similar tones in backgrounds and making photo's now and then that show not just one product but a group of them styled into a nice 'still life'.
I think I did it. I think, a couple of weeks ago, there was this little twist, yes, as if I finally found the right button, and pushed it.
It makes me happy. Really, really happy.
Isis, i think you do not need to worry so much - i think your style has always been beautiful and very recognizable :) - karlita
Dear Isis, you are such a perfectionist!!! I noticed your beautiful photos long time ago, and I think your style have been always strong and recognizable. Great job!
Ups, kalita already said the same thing :)
thanks girls!!!
dispite everything you may ever say about my photo's :) i'm much happier with them now then I was a year ago. maybe the main thing is that somehow i learned to express myself better trough my photo's than i could a year back.
and yes, on some things i can really be a perfectionist :-D
Yes, I can only second (or third :-)) Karlita & Leina - nothing to add more! Oh, maybe one.. I love your photos and creations :-)
But I know those feelings and ponderings about style and so on (being a perfectionist myself :-)).
Isis, This is my first time on your site and your photos are very expressive. Trying to capture a mood as well as showcase your jewelry in the best light can be very difficult(I'm still learning). You've done a wonderful job.
You have a beautiful blog. The photographs really are lovely.
Beautiful Blog!! I will be sure to check often! Looks pretty perfect to me!
I know that feeling. We've been fighting the same battle. But I agree that you've found a style, and I very nice one at that :)
Just dropped by to say Happy New Year!
thank you all so much for your lovely comments! they are much appreciated!
nummer 11 in the list just to add the same..
Never left a comment before but I like to let you know I love your photos. The way you use texture, light makes them special.
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