Monday, May 26, 2008

Bits of my new home

Bits of my new home, originally uploaded by paper-flower-girl.

What a grey and rainy monday it is! I'm happy I don't need to go outside much today.

I just wanted to let you see a sneak peek of my new home. You can see a bit of the bedroom in the photo above.
I will show you more as we make progress getting everything in order!
Yesterday we went out to buy a new fridge and oven. Slowly but steady we are getting things together.

I really love the new place, and haven't missed our old house for one second since we moved out!

I have my first exam of six in five days. So I probably won't be writing much until then. Please forgive me!

1 comment:

Machteld said...

Mooie kleur op de muur! Ik vind het kannetje ook erg schattig!

Succes met je examens