Thursday, November 20, 2008

part II

i did two things today:
1. organize all my reciepts and expenses for my shop in a file case. i had this file case nearly as long as i can remember. i used to use it for storing articles and bits and pieces i thought were interesting as a kid. i liked it because file cases are such a grown up kind of thing. it made me feel serious and important and very intellegent to do so, in a very child-like way.
2. i took four big ikea storage boxes out of the closet and put them on top. they have been in the closet for nearly 6 months now, and two of them we even still empty (talking of wasting space!). on top of the closet there was an ugly carboard bow which help my padden envelops and shipping boxes. those are now transferred to the much lovelier ikea cases.

i feel much more happy already!

and now, my actual list for today:

1. have lunch (i totally forgot to do that earlier this afternoon)
2. photograph postcards
3. list items on etsy
4. continue writing my paper for uni
7. go to my yoga lesson
6. go to post office (because i didn't do that yesterday)
7. upload new items to papernstitch (idem)


Chichiboulie said...

Ooh I'm so jealous of that organisation! Please come to my office.

ira said...

well, at least you start something paper and it look good!
Mine just the same chaotic things for years!!!!