Bedroom progress | Black floors

We finally painted the floor! Maybe the most memorable parst was where I was sanding the floors, wearing a dust mask, having my hair feel like a powdered 17th century wig and looking pale as a corpse covered in a layer of white powder.
Tomorrow we will be fixing curtain rails, bed lamps, frames and shelves to the walls, and we'll move in our bed.I'm totally excited: tomorrow night will be the first night in our real bedroom :)
I can't wait to show you photo's of the finished room.
omg, that woudl have been an awesome natural wood floor. why black?
because i love painted floors probably as much as i love natural wooden floors. it wasn't an easy decision :) plus this wooden floor is actually a kind of 'under floor' intended to fix carpet of vinyl to, the quality of the floor isn't as good as it looks in the photo, there's rather a lot of greenish spots on the wood that couldn't be removed, etc :)
Hi Isis, I love this look. I've been wanting to do this for ages to our floors. We've varnished in a water base but the jarrah is too orange for me.
Can you please tell me what paint you used... how many coats??
Thanks, Lauren
hi lauren!
we used two layers of black paint and one coat of transparent varnish on top. we simply used the cheapest paint we could find, as we had a tight budget for this project. it's non-water soluble paint.
I've painted my floors, too. We have the same type of floors and they would not refinish well at all. I used oil based paint and put 1 quart of polyurethane to 1 gallon of paint and mixed them together before painting. It worked great.
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