Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A week of beautiful collections - Spoons sort of

spoons sort of, originally uploaded by Loraine@grijs.

Spoons sort of by Loraine@grijs
(Loraine also has an amazing blog: Grijs)

Oh dear, oh dear, do I love vintage kitchen utensils!
I own a small collection myself, but everything is sitting in a cardboard box, wrapped in newspaper, in our dusty attic. Maybe after I've moved I'll find them a place they are worthy of.

I cleaned my desk today, rearranged some dried flowers (the roses Mr. B gave me on my birthday) in a vintage milk jar (speaking of vintage kitchen ustensils ;-), and packed up some more things. Slowly our house is becoming emptier, and the pile of filled boxes is growing.
The other part of the day I have spent in front of my computer, trying to write about Late Medieval headwear for my research project for university. It's really fun to do, writing, but also takes a lot of energy. And sometimes, the words just don't come.

But hey, tomorrow is always better!

PS: All tissue holders have found a new owner. They will be posted soon!

P.P.S: I will be giving away another item next Monday, so make sure you're around to be the first to comment!

1 comment:

vadjutka said...

Hi, paper, you have a beautiful blog! Grats!