Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bedroom ideas

The plasterer came by last Friday, so now our bedroom is ready to be painted. The walls will be light grey and the wooden floor will be painted black. The ceiling and woodwork (doors and window) will be white.

The bedroom is tiny: 2x3 square meters, with a built in closet inside. This doesn't leave many decorating options. I've been looking around this morning for ideas to make this room a small but attractive and cozy bedroom.

Tine K Home, found via Decor8

Found via Bird in the Hand & Oneblackbird

I want pillows and a blanket in muted purples and pinks, greys and black, in silky and velvety fabrics. I will probably make most of the pillowcases myself. I have lots of crochet lace I inherited from Mr. B's grandmother, I have been wanting to turn into pillows for some time now. Maybe I'll score some pillow cases at IKEA or ZARA HOME as well.

I want a lot of frames on the walls, with artwork I collected over the years, found objects, etc. I still need to collect a lot of frames for this purpose, since I hardly have any. I'll probably buy a lot second hand ones, and maybe some cheap ones from IKEA or HEMA. I'll go for a combination of vintage and modern frames, in natural wood, black or gold colour.

I also have an idea for the bedside tables, but I will tell you about that later!

1 comment:

Paperfection said...

Lovely ideas, good luck!